Photo of Mateusz Walecki.

Hi! My name is Mateusz Walecki,
the ambitious .NET software developer with a passion for what I do!

Background, Skills, Role - tree Background, Skills, Role - tree

Let's solve some issue

public ISolution SolveProblem(IProblem problem)
    => MateuszWalecki.ExploreBusinessLogic(problem)
        .DesignSolution(new DesignOptions
            UseDesignPatterns = true,
            SeparateDomainModelsFromTheUser = true,
            Scalable = true,
            CircularDependencies = false,
            IncludeContinousIntegration = true,
            Performance = Performance.High,
        }).Code(new CodeOptions
            HighKohesion = true,
            WithUnitTesting = true,
            WithIntegrationTesting = true,
            WithErrorHandling = true,
            CodePurity = Purity.Clear
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